

Dallas Bird Removal Service

Pigeons are one type of bird that can create a lot of damage to your property! Roosting birds can quickly become a major issue if they find their way into your attic. Birds can produce a large number of droppings, which can be a health hazard. Additionally, populations of birds can roost outside, coating homes, businesses, and vehicles in bird droppings. Some birds can also carry diseases and bacteria such as Avian Influenza, Avian Tuberculosis, E.Coli, Salmonella, and more.


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Pigeons removal services

Bird Removal and Solutions

Roosting birds can make enormous messes on buildings, vehicles, and in attics. They can cause damage to homes and businesses alike! We can remove the birds from your attic, and seal up the entry point so no other species move back in. We can also implement various bird solutions to keep them from roosting over vehicles, homes, and businesses and leaving droppings all over walkways, vehicles, and more.