

Rat removal Dallas, Texas by PINNACLE PEST AND RODENT SOLUTION is the number one choice for Rat Trapping and Rodent Removal Services in the Dallas Fort Worth area! From all sorts of Rat and Rodent Removal to Exclusion, Trapping, with many more, we can help. We have over 15 years of experience with Rat and Rodent Removal in the Dallas Metroplex region! It usually starts with hearing noises in the attic, then people realize that there is actual damage to their home, then unfortunately they end up calling somebody after it is too late!  Be prepared and fix the problem before it becomes a lingering problem that could be very costly for your family and home. Rats are the most common rodent in the world and are found all over because they breed a lot and like to live in hiding. You probably won’t see them infesting your home or office except when you see one running over your curtain rail or through the living room. If that’s really what happened, you need to hire a rat exterminator right now!

If they’re in your living area, it simply means all the hidden spaces in the building are already infested and the population is now too large for them to hide.


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About Rats and Rodents

There are many species of Rats and Rodents in the Dallas Metroplex. The Vermin we call Roof Rats are widespread throughout our DFW area.  Common rats are called with a number of other names, too, such as roof rats, Norwegian rats, wharf rats, brown rats, and so on. It’s a nasty vermin, common in most regions, and has earned many names.  While it’s a common animal, nobody likes rats. And for good reason. Rats nest in buildings where they have access to shelter and food. Hidden empty spaces close to the ground and food: that’s all a rat infestation needs to happen. These are things every good rat exterminator looks for during an inspection. It is critical to stop infestations before they quickly grow out of control! For example, female rats can produce up to twenty offspring per year. This extremely high rate of reproduction is what makes Rodents such an efficient pest. Additionally, their lifespan can be up to three years. Any Rodent infestation can quickly spiral out of control and wreak havoc. Rodent removal if not done properly can have a huge impact on homes and businesses alike. Most Rats and Rodents will eat almost anything available to them and will chew wiring, pipes, insulation, walls, and more. They also leave many droppings, potentially spreading disease. Rat and Rodent infestations also will create a very gross smell in and around your house or business!

What does the Attic look like?

Imagine that you have been hearing noises in the attic or maybe you are reading this article and we have scratched your curiosity; you want to take a peak in your attic and explore a little. The first thing we will say is be careful, make sure you understand how to walk in an attic before you go up there or you may end up falling through your own ceiling and we do not want anyone getting hurt, the next thing to make sure of is proper lighting, whether there are lights installed in your attic or you need to bring a flashlight, it is important to have ample lighting before going up there to avoid falling or injury. Once this is taken care of we can
go have a look and see what we find. When rats get into an attic and start to set up their homes, there are habits that they form and certain paths that they prefer to follow over time, and this will result in paths and tunnels that will form in your insulation as they travel these routes over and over. When looking at the insulation in your attic, look for areas that are matted down, or have tunnels and burrowing showing in different sections, rats are the only animals that do this so this will be a sure sign that rats are in the attic space. Another typical sign of rats in the attic space is droppings that they leave behind, rats are not known to be particularly clean animals and they produce a large volume of droppings every night, so if there are rats in your attic, you will see droppings. These droppings can be on top of the insulation or below it so it is sometimes important to move some insulation
around and try to get a good look underneath. One last thing about rats is that they are little explorers and so the evidence they leave behind will be spread out throughout the attic rather than clustered in one general location. This means that you should not have to search the deep dark corners of your attic to figure out if they are up there, it should be readily visible throughout the entire attic space if you have any of these critters living up there. Again, we must stress to be careful whenever up in the attic, and if you have any hesitation of walking or crawling up there, do not hesitate to call a professional wildlife removal company and have them come perform an inspection, which is usually free of charge with an attached estimate for different services, this will always be your best bet on confirming that there are critters or no critters in the attic.

Food Habits 

The food habits of roof rats outdoors in some respects resemble those of the common tree squirrels, since they usually prefer a wide variety of fruit and nuts. They also feed on a variety of vegetative parts of ornamental and native plant materials. Like Norway rats, they are omnivorous and, if necessary, will feed on almost anything. In food-processing and storage facilities, they will feed on nearly all food items, though their food preferences may differ from those of Norway rats. They do very well on feed provided for domestic animals such as swine, dairy cows, and chickens, as well as on dog and cat food. There is often a correlation between rat problems and the keeping of dogs, especially where dogs are fed outdoors. Roof rats usually require water daily, though their local diet may provide an adequate amount if it is high in water content. Part of the reason they are so good at reproducing is that they are great at finding food sources, and not being picky.  The roof rats will look for preferred food, but will not hesitate to get full off of just about anything, keeping them healthy and ready for more offspring.

Reproduction of Roof Rats

The young are born in a nest about 21 to 23 days after initial conception. At their birth they are hairless, and their eyes are closed completely shut. The typical five to eight young rats in the litter develop rapidly, growing hair within a week. Between nine and fourteen days, their eyes open, and they begin to explore for food and move around near their nest. In the third week they begin to take solid food from anywhere the little rats can find. The number of litters depends on several factors; the area with nearness to the limit of their climatic range, availability of nutritious food for the offspring, density of the current local rat population, and the age of the rat. Typically, three or more litters are produced annually. The young roof rats may continue to nurse until four or five weeks old. By this time they have learned what is acceptable to eat by experimenting with potential food items and by imitating what their mother eats. Young rats generally cannot be trapped until about 1 month old because of their tiny size and great mobility to escape. At about 3 months of age they are completely independent of the mother and are reproductively mature. Breeding seasons vary in different areas to a large degree. In tropical or semitropical regions like we have in some parts, the season may be nearly year-round. Usually the peaks in breeding occur in the spring and fall. Roof rats prefer to nest in locations off of the ground and rarely dig burrows for living quarters if off-the-ground sites exist.  Finding a roof to live in is always the perfect solution for roof rats.  Making sure your home and attic is sealed up at all times will give you the best chance of avoiding a huge rat infestation. You can see rats can quickly spread and cause havoc for any family.

 How do Roof Rats Feed?

Roof Rats usually begin searching for food shortly after the sun has gone down. If the food is in an exposed area and too large to be eaten quickly, but not too large to be moved, they will usually carry it to a hiding place before eating it. Many rats may cache or hoard considerable amounts of solid food, which they eat later. Such caches may be found in a dismantled wood pile, attic, or behind boxes in a garage. This is why they can last without a food source for a long time.  They are built to survive and are very difficult to get rid of without a professional rat removal team.  Some roof rat populations are skittish and will modify their travel routes and feeding locations if severely and frequently disturbed. Disturbances such as habitat modifications should be avoided until the rat population is under control. Roof rats having plenty of feeding choices in the Dallas Fort Worth area.  Call an experienced professional team like All About Rodents if you hear noises in the attack or have signs of rats appearing.


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