

CALL NOW 832-476-3112

Rodent removal HOUSTON, Texas by PINNACLE PEST AND HOME SOLUTIONS is the number one choice for Rat, Mice, Squirrel Removal Services in the HOUSTON area! From all sorts of Rat and Rodent Removal to Exclusion, Trapping, and many more, we can help. We have over 15 years of experience with Rodent Removal in the Houston Metroplex region! It usually starts with hearing noises in the attic, then people realize that there is actual damage to their home, then, unfortunately, they end up calling somebody after it is too late!  Be prepared and fix the problem before it becomes a lingering problem that could be very costly for your family and home. Rats are the most common rodent in the world and are found all over because they breed a lot and like to live in hiding. You probably won’t see them infesting your home or office except when you see one running over your curtain rail or through the living room. If that’s really what happened, you need to hire a rat exterminator right now!

If they’re in your living area, it simply means all the hidden spaces in the building are already infested and the population is now too large for them to hide.

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