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There are many species of squirrel found in attic infestations in the Houston Texas region. Female squirrels typically produce 1-4 offspring per litter and produce 1-2 litters per year. Lifespan of a successful adult squirrel (that is, not killed before sexual maturity) is typically around six years. Squirrels can be a major problem in the attic of a home for several reasons. Squirrels are experts at chewing getting into tight areas. For Squirrels, chewing is simply a matter of survival, especially when it comes to reaching the nutritious nut within a nutritious shell. On the other hand, this is no good for the attic or walls of your home. Squirrels will chew through wires, piping, wood, walls, and more. They also leave droppings behind, which can be a big deal for possible disease or infections.


Our services go beyond simple wildlife control. When our elimination is complete, we offer several services to get your home back to normal and make sure the animals do not come back. First, we seal off all of the points of entry. Then, we are happy to provide you with cleaning services and damage repair, including odor control, cleanup of feces, replacing damaged insulation, and repairing damage to walls.


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Squirrels Making Damage 


Hearing many unusual noises in your attic or walls is one of the biggest signs of a possible squirrel infestation.  Many people actually think the infestation are squirrels, but usually most calls turn out to be rat infestations in the Houston, TX area.  Did you recently see squirrels fight possibly? Try and keep an eye out for 

squirrels fighting near your property because that is a clear sign one of them has a nest nearby and they are fighting over territory most of the time.  Squirrels in the attic constantly make scratching and thumping sounds when they are running around your attic, in your walls, or through your chimney. Droppings are also found in abundance, especially if they are coming down from the attic to steal food from your kitchen. Their droppings are very similar to many other rodents, so make sure you let a trained rodent exterminator see them before removing if possible, or take a picture.

Squirrel control and removal should only be attempted by professionals who understand the habits and biology of squirrels. For instance, squirrels will often use an attic to have their young and many do-it-yourselfers will rid themselves of an adult squirrel, thinking that the problem has been solved. It soon becomes clear that there were baby squirrels left behind. In addition, squirrels can sometimes become aggressive. There are two common situations in which a squirrel will become aggressive toward humans. The most common is a squirrel that feels threatened. This is especially true if it is a mother squirrel protecting her young. The second is a squirrel that is used to being fed by humans and the feeding suddenly stops.


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Chewing marks on wooden and plastic objects in your garden and the exteriors of your structure are also a big sign of a Squirrel infestation. You nearly will always smell very foul odor if you have a squirrel infestation in your home as well. Squirrels have very strong teeth durable and can destroy your house very easily in a short amount of time.  Look out for openings in your house that do not look natural or may be out of place. Look for Squirrel droppings around these types of areas as well because if you see a possible pest entrance, you now know that it is time for a Squirrel removal company to be called before it gets worse.. They also love to store many acorns in and around your house, if you see a big pile of them, you likely have a squirrel living in your attic.

Removal of a dead squirrel and deodorization of the area is a service we provide. Do you have a dead squirrel in your yard or your home? Squirrels sometimes die in unexpected places and they need to be removed as soon as possible or it can cause a huge headache for the homeowner. Leaving a dead squirrel will only make the problem worse by attracting other animals and insects. All About Rodents Wildlife Removal is your local professional that prides itself on getting rid of your squirrel problem in an efficient and humane manner.

If you hear noises in your attic, give us a call today and let us help you rid yourself of a potential disaster waiting to happen.. These animals are sweet and cute looking, but are known to carry rabies and many other life threatening diseases. If you come across any of these signs, do not delay calling in our professional squirrel exterminators in Houston, TX. A squirrel nest is very hazardous to the structure, as this animal gnaws away at pipes, furniture, vents and other items made of wood and many other substances. This can create access points for other more persistent wildlife.