
Dallas Mouse Removal

Mouse Attic Removal in Dallas
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The most common species of the mouse to take residence in your attic is the house mouse. House mice are small in the Dallas area, growing only 5-8 inches in length (tail included). Typically their fur is grey or brown in color. They reproduce quickly and in great numbers, so an infestation in the beginning stages can quickly get out of hand. Their nocturnal nature can make them particularly bothersome, making small but distinct noises in the quiet hours of the night. Mice typically enter a home and/or attic in search of food or shelter, and they thrive on human and pet foods. The house mouse has to chew constantly to maintain their incisors, which continually grow, to a manageable and functional size. Because of this, the house mouse can cause major damage to woodwork, electrical wires, and household items such as clothing. They also present a health concern, due to the feces, germs, and pathogens they bring with them, which they spread all over your attic and all over the rest of your house in their ventures for food. If you think you may need Mouse Removal you better act fast as they can have offspring at one of the fastest rates in the animal kingdom.


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Mouse Removal & Exclusion

An infestation of mice in an attic is a common problem for businesses and homeowners alike. Most people never even see them, but they often can identify the problem from the “scratching noises” or “scratching in the attic”.

They can enter your home through the smallest and most inconspicuous of places, and once they decide to make your home their home, they reproduce quickly and often and will chew wiring,  water lines, and ductwork and will contaminate your insulation with feces and urine.

Ridding yourself of mice can be tricky, and even the handiest of homeowners will often struggle to outsmart these animals.

The areas of entry may not always be easy to find, and mice will often make new ways into your home once they have marked their territory, often to the frustration of the owner. If you want Mouse Removal in the Dallas Texas area, you need to call All About Rodents.  We specialize in taking care of your problem quickly and affodably.